Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Adventures in Networking

NETWORKING just the word sends chills down my spine. In case you can't tell I hate networking. I always say this and really mean it. I have viewed networking as fake meaning people just network so they can meet people that can help them in some way, they aren't meeting people just to have fun and meet new people there's an agenda there which I've viewed as fake.

The problem with this view of networking is that I'm running a solo law practice and I need other people for resources and referrals so I kind of have to network. Yet a part of me still hates it. So there's my whole fake take on it and there's also the fact that I'm shy. Once I get to know people I'm nice and witty. However when I first meet people I'm quiet and withdrawn. This is not good for networking.

I've dipped my toe in the networking waters since I left my job to start my own practice in March. I did some networking at a law school alumni event in March and in April I did a little networking through a county bar association meeting. For this month I have a list of networking events and meetings to go to so I'd better get ok with networking and quickly.

I have to overcome my feeling that I'm just meeting people to see what they can do for me which I find undesirable to say the least and I have to overcome my shyness so that I don't end up being the weird girl in the corner not speaking to anyone.

So I just have to accept the fact that the purpose of networking is to meet people that can help you in your endeavors. I need other people to be successful and other people may need me as well. Perhaps if I try to view it as through networking I'm making myself available to help others while finding people who can help me then I'll feel better about it. That way I'm not just using people but also offering to help people as well so I'm not just taking without giving anything back. I think I can work with that.

Now the shyness thing is a different animal. That's been my personality for years and not easy to overcome. Granted I'm considerably less shy than I was when I was younger. When I was younger I probably wouldn't have even gone to any networking events and if I did I would have been that weird girl in the corner not speaking to anyone.

I can go to the events now and speak to people but it's still a struggle. There were definitely some times say for instance at my law school alumni event that I was more withdrawn and I had to force myself to introduce myself to new people.

By the way I find it incredibly rude to walk up to people in the middle of a conversation and introduce myself yet I've seen it done throughout various networking events. My sense of manners won't let me do this so instead I end up standing around and waiting for a break in the conversation like a kid waiting for the right moment to jump in while jumping rope. This can make for really awkward moments when someone notices you standing around waiting for your turn.

At any rate I realize that I need to network and if I view it as helping people and in return having them help me then it's an easier concept to swallow. I still have to work on the shyness thing though but practice makes perfect and I'm definitely going to be practicing my skills as I continue trying to build my practice. I'll let you know how it goes.

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