Thursday, March 27, 2014

My life, my life, my life, my life

I decided to write a quick post about what's going on in my life right now. So here it is. A couple of weeks ago I quit my job to start my own law practice. I expected to have everything set up and be ready to take clients by now but things haven't quite worked out that way. I'm realizing that this is ok because I would rather things be done right then done quickly. For the most part I am happy that I decided to try to make it on my own. However I do have brief moments of panic where I think "what if no one ever hires me and I have to find another job or God forbid go back to my old job." After I have my moment I take a deep breath and realize that everything will work out as it should. If I am meant to succeed in my law practice I will and if not then another opportunity will present itself so I will be fine.

One thing I didn't fully appreciate about starting my own practice is just how much free time I would have. Each day I make a mental to-do list and it usually takes at most 2-3 hours to complete the things on my list then I have nothing but free time. I'm used to working literally 9-5 and now I have so much free time. I thought I would spend that time exercising and planning and making healthy meals and networking and writing. So far I've exercised once, done a little networking and this is the most I've written since I left my job. I'm not even going to address planning and making healthy meals. I feel kind of bad that a good chunk of my free time has been spent watching TV and surfing the internet but on the other hand it's only been a couple of weeks since I left my job so I do need some down time to decompress before moving on in my practice.

I suppose the bottom line is that I'm slowly but surely trudging along and trying to figure things out as I go and I know that something good will come out of me taking the chance to quit my job and start a law practice. I am probably one of the more steady and reliable people that I know and I rarely take chances like this. I have always followed a very traditional path so quitting my job and relying on just me to support myself is a big deal for me. Ultimately I'm glad I did it and I know that as a result of my decision good things are ahead of me. I'll be checking in here periodically to vent, rant, write short stories or whatever else comes to mind. I hope you'll tune in.